Mr. Vernon C. Floyd
Ambition has been a part of Vernon C. Floyd's life. A Native of Mobile Alabama. Floyd established on June 7, 1969, the first black owned and operated radio station in Mississippi - WORV-AM in Hattiesburg. Recently, the station recieved a license to function as AM and FM Frequency. While residing in Mobile, where he has founded another black radio station. Floyd conducteda feasibility survey- within a 150-200 mile radius of Mobile-to determine what heavily populated area did not have a radio station,which catered to the black community. Considering his finding, he dediced to lay the foundation for his project in Hattiesburg , one of Mississippi's largest cities that has a large college and black population.Through hard work,prayer,and determination. Floyd opened his radio station. According to Floyd, his strength and drive came directly from his African ancestors. Cudjoe Kazollalewis, who arrived in the United States from Togo, West Africa, as a slavein 1800. Flpyd is a graduate of the Mobile public schoolsystem and Tuskegee Institute, were he majored in electronics. While a studentat Tuskegee, he studied business managementas well as architectural and mechanical draawing. This training Steered Floyd into the broad castingindustry. He attributes his success in broadcasting and business to "ninety percent perspiration and ten percent inspiration.
This artical is from Mississippi Black History Makers